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Humanist Celebrants, Humanist Funerals

First Call Funeral Support UK

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

I worked in the funeral industry years ago and since starting back, with our funeral support business I have noticed a massive increase in Humanist Funerals and Humanist Celebrants.

This is a very unique but lovely way to say good bye to a loved one, to celebrate the life they led, this type of service is usually when your loved one did not have any religious beliefs or Faiths. Many Funeral Directors in this modern day and age offer this type of service, it is very similar to the traditional funerals using readings, music, poems just without the mention of God or a faith.

Humanist Celebrants are available all over the United Kingdom, they do services for funerals and weddings. When using a celebrant for a funeral of a loved one, the celebrant will work closely with the family and Funeral Director to tailor the service to suit the person who has passed away, they help plan the order of service to reflect how you want to remember your loved one.

A celebrant will help reflect in how the person lived their life, how they will be celebrated, how they will be missed and what the person believed in.

Generally Humanist Funerals are held at Crematoriums, Cemeteries and also Woodland Burial Sites. There are other places such as country parks, Manor Houses, outdoors, hotels, village halls.... anywhere really that give permission and are happy to host/ accommodate the service and its guests.

When people attend a humanist funeral the safest option is to wear the usual attire (White shirt, Black Tie, Black Suit) unless told otherwise. Sometimes people like to tell the guests to where bright clothing to go with the idea of celebrating the deceased's life.

Thank you for taking the time to read our first Blog learning about Humanist Funerals and Humanist Celebrants, this is just very brief general information regarding the topic, if* you require information about this topic, please contact your local funeral directors or you can visit **

Catch you in a couple of weeks when we discuss another topic.

**We are not responsible for any information or suggestions displayed on third party websites.


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